This is What Ford Foundation Does with its Resources

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

by MacKenzie Fegan, Mulitmedia Producer, Ford Foundation

Last week the Ford Foundation launched the final installment in our three-part video series, From Dollars to Change, which answers some of the most commonly asked questions about our financial resources and what we do with them.

The first video, on our endowment and how it works, was borne of a problem that I’m sure many in the foundation world have encountered: friends and family asking “So how do you guys fundraise?” We were pleasantly surprised by the number of people who appreciated the clarity, and we learned that the way to address misconceptions about philanthropy is to tell our own story.

Working with the talented design firm HunterGatherer, we went on to tackle the ins and outs of Program Related Investments and, in this final video, the grantmaking process itself. The series is our attempt to bring some transparency to the often murky topic of foundation finances and, on a personal note, to help my mom understand what it is I do all day long.

How Our Endowment Works

Learn what makes us different from public charities, where our original endowment came from, and how—through careful stewardship of our assets—we will be able to keep our mission alive for years to come.

How Our Grant Making Works

Every year, we make about 1,400 grants to organizations around the globe that serve the public good. Here we explain how proposals are reviewed, and how grants are made and monitored.

How Program-Related Investing Works

What is a Program-Related Investment (PRI)? How does a PRI work? Why would a foundation make an investment instead of a grant? Learn how we use PRIs to advance our mission.

View all three videos and learn more on the Ford Foundation website

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